Please enter the email address for your account. A verification code will be sent to you. Once you have received the verification code, you will be able to choose a new password for your account.

Prosek Clinic

Lovosická 440/40
190 00 Praha 9

Tel.: (+420) 605 058 523

Opening hours:
Mon: 07:00-14:00
Tue: 07:00-14:00
Wed: 07:00-14:00
Thu: 07:00-17:00
Fri: 07:00-14:00

Vysočany Clinic

Sokolovská 304
190 00 Praha 9

Tel.: (+420) 773 989 690

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 8-12:30 / 13-18:00
(afternoons only with an appointment)
Rehabilitation provided throughout the week.

Mon and Thu 16:30-18:30

About us

První plicní ambulance s.r.o.
Na Příkopě 859/22, 110 00  Praha 1
ID: 267 44 163
Reg. by MOS in Prague under file C 90995